Tuesday, July 15, 2003


Have any of you ever read David Eddings' The Losers? It starts out as an allegory about Good and Evil (at least, I think that is what he was doing) but halfway through, it takes a strange turn into an indictment on the welfare state. My guess is something happened to Eddings that caused him to completely change the book in mid-stream. Anywhoo, if you get near a library, check it out - literally.

Speaking of books, I have just finished the new Harry Potter book. If you liked the previous four (and I did) you will love this one, too. Some weirdo's on the fringes have been huffing and puffing about the Potter books leading kids in to witchcraft and straight to damnation. I say, "Bah!" What the Potter books do is get kids reading and that's a good thing. Sure, they're reading about witchcraft, but more importantly, they are reading about right and wrong (and right is made out to be good, too!) So, if this leads kids into witchcraft and the dark arts, it's because of very poor parenting and if the parenting is that bad, the kids had no chance anyway.


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