Tuesday, July 15, 2003


The Democ-rats have a new ad out about the most evil, repugnant man in the world. Surprisingly, even though most people would say that was either Fidel Castro, Kim Jong Ill or Saddam, our friends at the "compassionate" party think it's George W. Bush. You know, that man who "stole" the 2000 election from the Prince of Dorkness, Al Gore? In true Democrat fashion, it lies. Yes, it pulls a huge Dowdism. A Dowdism, named after the beautiful and absolutely whacked out Maureen Dowd (Pulitzer prize winner), leaves out key parts of a phrase to change it's meaning completely into something more convenient. Tell me, what could be wrong with President George W. Bush's (I still love saying that!) sixteen words from the State of the Union Address, "The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." Well, if it ends up that MAYBE (The British are still sticking by the statement) Uncle S.H. didn't try to buy uranium from Niger AND you conveniently leave out the first six words with a Maureen Dowd special you get "...Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa" and Whamo!! President Bush has lied and should resign according to the calm, cool and collective (HA HA!) Democrat front runner Howard Dean. It also makes a DNC advertisement that parrots the insane Dean approach.

Are you sure these people are fit to lead? They lie constantly and can't seem to find a coherent message, never mind a TRUTHFUL message. Please, when was the last time you found a RNC message so packed with lies?


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