Sunday, March 19, 2006


Well, let’s hope this time I’m back for good. Molly likes to read the local papers everyday and normally I can’t stand them (except for the Union Leader, a true stalwart in the conservative press). She had finished reading the Concord Monitor when I jumped on the computer. What do I see as the front page article? This:

Concord high grad becomes advocate for single moms

All right, I’ll give it a shot. It turns out to be a fawning piece about a girl, Anne Stevenson, who, against all odds (those being the white, male, corporate power structure) went on to become active in politics (surprise, surprise, Democrat politics) on behalf of all single moms. The article makes it out that she is fighting for better conditions for single moms. In fact, what she is championing for the rest of us to give single moms more of what we work hard for:

"'Are you sick of being on Medicaid and being on waiting lists, and being a second-class citizens?'" she remembered asking them. "'Politicians are not going to change anything unless you tell them to, unless you make your voice heard. And this is how you do it. You show them that you're going to vote, and you're going to make them accountable.'"

The knee-slapper in that quote is, “you're going to make them accountable”. What about YOU? Why aren’t you accountable? In perhaps the saddest thing in this article, she once worked for that very same thing – she worked to be accountable and not feed off the Big Government teat:

“To manage the costs of diapers, food and clothing, Stevenson organized a group of local single mothers she met online and formed a network for baby supplies; clothes and toys would be sent from mother to mother as children outgrew them.”

See, she completely threw her life’s plans out the window by getting knocked up by a Harvard grad student she refused to marry, went on the public dole but tried to do the right thing. She used her ingenuity and brains to get by without falling deeper and deeper into welfare. For that, I say, “Bravo!!” And for abandoning that to squeeze more and more of my money for redistribution I say, “Boo!!”

Check out this little quote:

"Ninety percent of the people on welfare are single mothers," she whispered. "Dads only share 25 percent of their income, yet mothers give 100 percent of their resources."

Really, and how much time do these “quarter-dads” get with there child? Let’s assume it’s generous and they get two weekends a month and one night a week. That’s roughly 144 hours a month out of 720 hours, or about 20%. The “quarter-dad” is being shafted by 5% from what I can see, but I’m just a dumb bean-counter.

Good luck with Teddy Kennedy. Looking at the picture that came with the article, you’re pretty cute and Teddy will love that. Make sure you bring a fifth to the interview and you’ll be a shoe-in.


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