Wednesday, April 07, 2004


Nicholas Kristoff penned a little editorial today in the New York Times about abortion. It seems we’re supposed to feel sorry for seven women in Portugal who are on trial for getting abortions. It seems Kristoff thinks Portugal should be seen as warning to:

“Americans who, like Mr. Bush, aim to overturn Roe v. Wade.”

Now, to be fair, George Bush has never said he is out to overturn Roe v. Wade, Kristoff just throws it out there like that’s job #1.

Anywhoo, these are the sobering lessons:

“The first is that abortion laws are very difficult to enforce in a world as mobile as ours. Some 20,000 Portuguese women still get abortions each year, mostly by crossing the border into Spain. In the U.S., where an overturn of Roe v. Wade would probably mean bans on abortion only in a patchwork of Bible Belt states, pregnant women would travel to places like New York, California and Illinois for their abortions.”

Two things to mention here. Firstly, we shouldn’t pass laws if they are “difficult to enforce”? Well, considering the number of murders that happen every year in Detroit, maybe it should be de-criminalized, after all, it looks difficult to enforce. Secondly, Kristoff just admitted what the pro-death crowd has for years dare not mention – namely, overturning Roe v. Wade wouldn’t criminalize abortion, just leave it up to the states. Planned Non-Parenthood and their ilk always talk like abortion would be illegal in the United States if Roe v. Wade were overturned, repeating the lie so much most people have begun to believe it.

More sobering lessons:

“The second is that if states did criminalize abortion, they would face a backlash as the public focus shifted from the fetus to the woman. "The fundamentalists have lost the debate" in Portugal, said Helena Pinto, president of UMAR, a Portuguese abortion rights group. "Now the debate has shifted to the rights of women. Do we want to live in a country where women can be in jail for abortion?"

Uh, Nicky, where exactly do you live? The whole abortion movement is already about the woman!!! “Woman’s right to choose” sound familiar? How about “reproductive rights”? You’re such a maroon!

Kristoff, like most liberals, want to pretend they are troubled by abortion and have given it a lot of thought.

“Like most Americans, I find abortion a difficult issue, because a fetus seems much more than a lump of tissue but considerably less than a human being. Most of us are deeply uncomfortable with abortion, especially in the third trimester, but we still don't equate it with murder.”

Whenever somebody says this, it’s obvious they have given almost NO thought to abortion. Just a few hours of thinking and an honest, intelligent person will realize that life begins at conception. Oh, did I just say "honest and intelligent"? Well, then I guess I shouldn’t expect too much from New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristoff.

I leave you with this piece of brilliance:

"Forbidding abortion doesn't save anyone or anything," said Sonia Fertuzinhos, a member of the Portuguese Parliament. "It just gets women arrested and humiliated in the public arena."

Except for the baby, of course.


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