Friday, February 06, 2004


Sorry for the long delay – that whole job thing keeps getting in the way along with a van that needed a transmission rebuilt. Oh, and I was lazy, too.

Is it me or is the most under-reported story this week the ricin attack on Bill Frist? Hello? Is this not a big deal? Or is it a throw-away story because instead of anthrax being sent to Democrats, this time the chemical weapon was directed at a Republican? Or could it have anything to do with it occurred hours after David Kay told Congress Saddam as cooking up ricin right up until the attack on Iraq?

I know, I often sound a lot like some kind of right-wing nut, but that’s only because I am one. But, come on, where is the outrage? Our government was attacked by some sort of terrorist group and all we hear about is John Kerry’s boring ideas?

Speaking of John Kerry, check out this quote:

“I’ve never made any judgments about any choice somebody made about avoiding the draft, about going to Canada, going to jail, being a conscientious objector, going into the National Guard.”

Kerry just compared everyone who was/is in the National Guard to draft dodgers. Perhaps someone should remind Mr. Personality that Guardsmen put their lives on the line every day for liberal whack-o’s like himself and he should issue a heart-felt apology to the men and women of the National Guard.

I don’t give a flip about his valuable service in Vietnam; comments like this negate all good that he ever did and stick him in the same category as every other America-hating Democrat.


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