Tuesday, October 28, 2003


I’m sure many of you have seen the latest goings-on in the Terri Schiavo case, but here is a quick rundown of what has been happening.

The ACLU has joined the case as part of Michael Schiavo’s legal team. I guess they have been going by the acronym for so long, they have forgotten the CL part stands for CIVIL LIBERTIES. One would expect an organization that claims to defend the civil liberties of the helpless would actually be acting on Terri’s behalf, but I’m not a high class lawyer-type either, so I may be mistaken. The ACLU has just become another front for the vast left-wing agenda and it’s flagship, the party of death, the Democrats.

Michael was on Larry King, that hard-hitting, tough questioning, prime time battle zone. Oh, I mean the fluffy, cuddly low rated love fest for liberal causes and their spokesmen. Mikey is trying to alter his public image from the SOB of a husband with HUGE conflicts of interest to a caring man who is just trying to fulfill the wishes of his wife.

A fine Catholic priest is down in Florida helping out Terri’s Monsignor and is blogging from there. It’s an inspirational blog and one worth checking out.

I have to admit, I’m not as sure as I was a few weeks ago about this whole case. I still feel the husband is a dirtbag and more likely than not is just trying to be rid of his problem (that pesky first wife), but I also have some doubts. What if he’s right? What if Terri is living in the Hell of just existence? What is God’s will here? Would stopping the feeding be murder? If you don’t feed your baby he dies and that is definitely murder. If you starve yourself to death intentionally, that is suicide. Both of those are wrong, but is it either of those in this case? I pray for guidance on this issue and while I search, my guess is we need to give the benefit of the doubt to life.


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