Tuesday, October 07, 2003


I jumped over to MSNBC and saw this headline:

“Slow Response to CIA Inquiry”

I skimmed the story and it was about the White House’s deadline of 5:00 Tuesday rapidly approaching and only 300 of the 2,000 responses had been received yet. In all honesty, I didn’t read past that, I immediately researched Clinton White Houses stonewalls of subpoenaed information. After about twenty minutes of searching, I cam back to the MSNBC story and TA-DA! The story was gone and replaced by this one:

"White House to screen leak material”

Going back into my browser history, I found the original page, but when I went to it, I ended up at the current story. The original headline still appeared on the main page of MSN and even as a “related story” on the sidebar of the updated “White House to screen” story. Obviously, someone at MSNBC spiked the obviously partisan story. The “deadline” of 5:00 today was SELF-IMPOSED by the White House AND the story was filed six hours BEFORE the deadline. Check out this list of real “slow responses” from our buddies, the Clintoons:

- Billing records missing for 2 years (subpoenaed, crucial to FDIC investigation) appeared in White House living area and turned over several days after statute of limitation expired.
- Bruce Lindsey's notes, subpoenaed but not turned over until the day after the Senate's Whitewater Committee authorization expired.
- Existence of diaries subpoenaed in April 97, were "concealed" to October 97 and have not been released. Second set also not disclosed until three weeks before committee's deadline expired.
- FBI files from 91 (Chinese efforts to influence U.S. elections) were turned over five days after the Senate committee ended its hearings.

I guess even the partisans were uncomfortable with the original story. It’s hard to imagine that they could be considering the stuff they normally pull, but maybe.


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