Thursday, July 31, 2003


It must be nice to be part of the New York Times editorial’s staff and be unburdened by the truth. In today’s paper, they lament the fact that President Bush didn’t come out in favor of gay marriage. This is not unexpected from the Paper of Record, but they did feel the need to throw this in:

But Mr. Bush belongs to a party in which many national leaders recently celebrated remarks by conservatives like Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania, who compared homosexuality to incest. Mr. Bush's careful attempt to brush back more of that kind of bigotry was welcome.

Now, of course, anyone with a brain knows that Senator Santorum did not do that. He made the point that once marriage became nothing more than a civil union, why could that not apply to all kinds of relationships, like polygamy and even incest. It was the legal, civil part of gay marriage that got compared, not homosexuality itself. Of course, maybe I ask too much from a paper that promoted Jayson Blair and still thinks Alger Hiss and the Rosenberg’s were innocent.


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