Wednesday, July 23, 2003


What the H-E-double toothpicks is up with California? Suffering from a $38.2 billion deficit, they want to waste another $35 million on a recall motion for their loser of a governor. In no other state in the nation would people whose feelings have been hurt be able to waste so much time and money on raising their self-esteem. Come on, you felt he was the right man just under a year ago, wait until the next election to throw the bum out. But noooooo; we’re Californians, we deserve better.

This such a lose-lose situation for everyone. Gray Davis is now a lame duck governor no matter what happens, not that he was that strong to start out with. The Democrats have sworn to back him all the way, so if he loses, so do they. If he does get tossed out, the new guy will probably win with only a plurality, not a majority. Either way, he his inheriting the helm of the Andrea Doria, post-Stockholm. We can also expect recall drives after every election from now until doomsday, not only in California but every other state, too - especially those in which a Republican won.

This is all part of the, “It’s not my fault, I’m OK, you’re OK, nobody did anything wrong, blah blah blah…” society we live in. This disaster of an existence not only got started on the Left coast, it flourishes there like nowhere else. If the moron voters had just spent twenty minutes thinking back in 2002, this wouldn’t be happening. They abdicated their responsibility to cast a well thought out vote last year and now this year, want to act on emotions again and abdicate their vote again. I have said for years we should go back to only landowners having the right to vote. Most half-wits are incapable of casting a responsible vote and the only thing that keeps our whole system from slipping into chaos is such a low turn out – most of these people don’t bother to vote. If we limited the vote to landowners, those with the biggest financial stake in what governments do (40% of the population doesn’t pay federal income taxes, do they think the tax rate is too high?), we might have a more reasonable everything. I know, I know, I’m such a bastard. Whatever.


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