Monday, July 21, 2003


This morning in the coffee shop, I happened to look up at a poster from some Museum, like the National Gallery of Art or something. It was a print of a piece of “art” by Mark Rothko, titled Number 5(Number 22). This was NOT art. It was five parallel lines, not even all that straight. How in the heck can this be called art and more importantly, why in the world would a museum feel compelled to show it and make prints of it? I am not artistic and if what I am looking at is something I could do, it ain’t art.

I have never understood this modern art stuff. As I have commented before, I like my art to look beautiful, not make me gasp and cry out, “Oh my God!! Was anybody hurt?” I firmly believe nearly everyone who claims to appreciate and love modern art is just faking it. I think they look at this stuff, say, “I don’t get it” but pretend that they are moved by it so they can get chicks and keep friends. After Social Security, modern art is the biggest scam pulled on the American public.


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