Monday, July 21, 2003


Frank Rich has a column in The New York Times concerning liberals inability to even break into the political talk spectrum (i.e., talk radio). He drones on and on with the tired old complaints about Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly and Fox. In the piece, Rich had a couple of whoppers:

1. MSNBC is/was a "lame, would be Fox clone"?. This piece of fantasy is backed up because they hired Michael Savage for like a week. Really, Frank, get on the reality roller-coaster. MSNBC, conservative?
2. He talks about a liberal catechism, "a multilateral foreign policy, affordable health care, a progressive tax code, pro-environmental regulation, pro-choice, etc."? AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE? Then why are the liberals in Congress holding up legislation on malpractice reform (at the behest of one of the most special of special interest groups, trial lawyers)?
3. Quoting the loveable Al Franken, "Fox had the idea you could do a cable news network that actually had an agenda, and no one had thought of that before"?. Really, are you telling me ABC, for example, has no liberal agenda?

Basically, Rich thinks a lot of the problems liberals are having is because they are not doing entertainment. Even the title of the editorial, "Why Liberals Are No Fun"? goes to prove his point. He chalks up all the conservative media presence (what there is of it) as pure entertainment, not something to be taken seriously. Frank, it's that snobbish, liberal elite attitude that prevents you and your ilk from making it in the talk radio world. But heck, you've got everything else, so why not settle down a bit?


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