Monday, July 21, 2003


Harley Sorenson is a raving lunatic. Do you know who Harley Sorensen is? Me either. He is a columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle/ which describes him as a “liberal iconoclast”. The American Heritage Dictionary says an iconoclast is:

1. One who attacks and seeks to overthrow traditional or popular ideas or institutions.
2. One who destroys sacred religious images.

My guess is both of those are true. Anyway, getting back to the latest column, he slips his gears right off by comparing two classic Clinton-ectomies,

- “I did not have sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky."
- "It depends on what your definition of 'is' is."

With a statement by Condoleezza Rice,

“I don't think anybody could have predicted that these people would take an airplane and slam it into the World Trade Center, take another one and slam it into the Pentagon, that they would try to use an airplane as a missile."

The first clue that Sorensen is a few slaps short of a beating presents itself when he calls all three “obfuscations.” One is a lie, one is an insulting obfuscation and the last is an honest assessment of a horrific situation. He then goes onto a completely new subject, equally deranged, but having nothing to do with these quotes. Sorenson believes that the entire 43rd Presidency is really being run by Bush 41. In the middle of this delusion, we find out the true aim of George W. Bush. At the behest of daddy and a group known as PNAC, he yearns for:


Yes, it’s true. He seeks world domination. That explains the months of begging the United Nations to help in Iraq and creating the coalition of the willing. Plain, unilateral world domination. I’m surprised Sorenson didn’t think Bush wanted to blackmail the world's richest nations (“One MILLION dollars”).

But the slippery-slope to insanity isn’t over yet. In another channel changing switch, he leaps into the next paragraph, abandoning all previous assertions and accuses Bush of destroying social programs. Amazing, considering we conservatives lament the huge spending increases signed into law by Bush and the Republican Congress.

Sorensen is obviously so blinded by hatred for George Bush, he is unable to think clearly or articulate himself with any kind of comprehensibility. The Chronicle should have recognized what utter trash this was and sent it back to Sorenson for psychiatric evaluation. But, the Chronicle isn’t known for it’s love of Bush, so I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised.


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