Tuesday, April 17, 2007


The obviously senseless tragedy at Virginia Tech yesterday saddens and horrifies me as much as everyone else. I can’t imagine the terror of being chained in a building with an armed madman casually shooting people for fun. My heart races and my blood boils at the thought of those helpless students.

This incident of course brought out the liberals and their gun control fetishes. John McCain was asked about it at a campaign stop in Texas. But, I couldn’t help but think of an incident this weekend at a local dive/bar in Manchester. A patron was thrown out and pulled a gun on the bouncers, firing at them and thankfully missing. It would have ended up quite differently if another patron hadn’t come to the defense of the staff and pulled his own gun, firing three, better aimed shots, striking the assailant twice.

Tales from the armed citizenry…


Blogger knitphomaniac said...

It's rather tragic when, of all places, a school has become a place to fear! :( Schools ought to be a safe haven, and yet you hear much too often that students ~ whether one student or a mass amount ~ end up getting shot.

11:05 AM  

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