Sunday, April 02, 2006


I have a new columnist addition to my must reads. Ian Robinson writes for the Calgary Sun and boy, was he good today. Check out these snippets:

"These smarmy, international busybodies, the Gladys Kravitzes of the Iraq occupation, peering out at the world from behind the curtains with their pursed little disapproving lips?"

"See, members of Christian Peacemaker Teams are pacifists and they don't co-operate with men with guns who might use the information to track down kidnappers and/or terrorists and shoot them in the head until they agree to stop kidnapping and/or terrorizing people."

Shoot them in the head until they agree to stop kidnapping... As Kenny Bania would say, "That's gold, Jerry! Pure gold!"

"We live in a civilized society -- in which wimpy pacifist losers can walk around safely -- because we live under constant threat of socially sanctioned government violence. "

"They believe violence never solves anything when, in fact, the judicious use of violence solves many of the large problems. "

Judicious use of violence solves many of the worlds problems... Gold, pure gold.


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