Friday, July 16, 2004


The tolerant left, what would this country do without them?  Well, as a citizen of this country, I’d like to give it a shot – at least with out the tolerant left from Bainbridge Island, WA.  This beautiful island of the coast of Seattle, untouched by the horrors of real life, showed their true colors during a Fourth of July parade this year.  Walking in the parade with his family, 23 year old wounded soldier Jason Gibson received all the accolades this “left-of-center” community had:
"Baby killer!"

Of course, the leaders of the parade came to the soldiers defense:
“The Bainbridge Island Chamber of Commerce, which put on the community celebration, permits freedom of expression at the event but asks that parade announcers not act in a manner that is partisan or prejudicial.

Jason's mother, Tamar, says a female parade announcer locked eyes on her son who was walking behind a pro-Republican group called Women in Red, White and Blue. The group supports President Bush and the troops in the fight against terrorism.

According to Tamar, the female announcer sarcastically asked Jason: "And what exactly are you a veteran of?"
The mayor of Bainbridge, after a backlash surely unexpected, offered an apology to Jason.
"I called him Monday night," Mayor Darlene Kordonowy told me yesterday. "I felt badly about his experience. He was distressed and distraught about what happened when I talked to him."
Yeah.  How come it took you a week to apologize?  How come you didn’t call him that day?  Could it be because you didn’t care until you got bad press? 
But, it’s the right that’s populated with the “haters”, right?


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