Friday, July 16, 2004


There seems to be a rapper who goes by the name of “Jadakiss”.  This “Jadakiss” thing has a song on his new album called “Why?”.  The key line in this low talent-high beat song goes like this:
"Why did Bush knock down the towers?"
Much to “Jadakiss” surprise, some of the thinkers out there are a bit offended by this.  What is the well reasoned response from Mr. Jadakiss?
"It caught the ear of white America," he said proudly during a phone interview with The Associated Press.”
Oh, so as long as he is catching the ear of “white America”, than it’s all cool. So, if I say something to catch the ear of black America, (African-American America?) than that’s all good, too?  All I have to say is the dreaded N-word, and I’ve caught the ear of black America, so that must be OK, right?  Heck, if I use the word niggardly, I can catch the ear of black America and no bad would ever come of me, right? (Paging David Howard
Well, maybe that’s not what Mr. “Jadakiss” meant, after all:
“Jadakiss doesn't really believe Bush ordered the towers destroyed — he says the line is a metaphor, and that Bush should take the blame for the terrorist attack because his administration didn't do enough to stop it.

"They didn't follow up on a lot of things properly," says Jadakiss. "It's the president of the United States. The buck stops with him."
Oh.  Well, a quick look into “Jadakiss” history finds this upstanding citizen was arrested for drug possession and possession of firearms.  So, if I were to write a lame song that asked why “J-kiss”
“shot the drug dealer and his baby and raped his girlfriend and danced on his grave and killed his mama and…”
that would be ok, because I mean it as a metaphor for all the killing done by rich, black men.
I doubt it.


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