Wednesday, July 14, 2004


I was going to write a mediocre blog today on why President Bush should feel completely justified in his decision to once again blow off the NAACP annual meeting this year. Doing some quick research, and discovering such ironic quotes as Julian Bond’s:

“accusing the GOP of "playing the race card in election after election."

I came across an editorial by Gregory Kane. In it, I found he had already done a stupendous job and I should just keep my trap shut. Here’s some of what he had to say:

“Some might correctly surmise that Bush declined an invitation to speak at the NAACP convention because he's been there, done that, and received ad hominem attacks just on the sunny side of slander for his efforts. Why would a man the NAACP Voter Education Fund falsely implied was against prosecuting Byrd's murderers address the organization?

At this point, the NAACP-ers like to say that the Voter Education Fund and the NAACP are different organizations. The NAACP proper, they piously intone, had nothing to do with the Byrd ad. No doubt Bush is still waiting for some public condemnation of that ad from Bond or Mfume.

In fact, Mfume has suggested Bush "get over" the criticism from NAACP leaders.”

I couldn’t top things like “just the sunny side of slander” in a million years. Well, maybe a million, but not during July 2004, that’s for sure.

I said back as far as January 2001 that the African-American leadership should be keeping their heads down and hoping Bush is as forgiving a man as he say he is because they sure threw all of their eggs in the Gore basket and he dropped the basket. With a mere 8% of the black vote going to George Bush and he still winning, he proved the black vote is pretty much irrelevant in Presidential politics. The black community has managed to put THEMSELVES right where they always said “whitey” was trying to put them – in the back of the bus.

So, maybe if Bush was more Clinton or Kerry-like and concerned ONLY with power and electability, the NAACP would be ignored because they just don’t matter and I think that’s what they fear. Fortunately, George Bush isn’t like that, he cares about the African-American community, he just doesn’t care for the self-important, racist do-do’s who call themselves the leadership.


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