Monday, September 01, 2003


President George W. Bush has come through again for all people who happen to be blessed with a conscience. Last week he instructed the State Department to withhold money from all organizations that promote abortions.

President Bush has always been a friend of the most helpless of all human beings and because of that, he is ridiculed and hated by the liberals and the willing executioners. Even in this, a small but symbolic stand against the death of children, we get this:

“Said Gloria Feldt, president of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund: "The world's poorest women and their children again are bearing the brunt of Bush's obsession with appeasing his domestic political base. This is the real face of Bush's compassionate conservatism."”

Two things are worth noting from this. Ms. Gloria is so wrapped up in the liberal agenda, she is incapable of believing that someone may actually have a moral compass and be able to think for himself. She lives her entire life as a lie and couldn’t possibly believe that someone may not actually be “appeasing his domestic political base”.

The second thing worth noting is the absolute hysteria by all of these groups when the United States declines to pay for killing babies. Each time groups like NOW, NARAL and Planned Parenthood act like paranoid schizophrenics, they prove Rush’s point that all they want to do is kill as many babies as possible.

Look at this quote and tell me what’s wrong:

“At this time, the face of HIV/AIDS in Africa is a young woman, and family planning services are integral," said Terri Bartlett, vice president of Population Action International, a research-based advocacy group in Washington. "They are all reproductive health care services."”

Notice how abortion isn’t mentioned, it’s called “family planning”? How can anyone call killing your children “family planning”? It’s like calling the 9/11 attacks “urban renewal”. And “reproductive health services”? How healthy is this for the baby? These liberal’s aren’t even acting like human beings. You know, they count on us Conservatives to treat them with respect they don’t deserve and surely more than they show us.


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