Friday, August 29, 2003


Cruz Bustamante, Lt. Governor of California today defended his membership in the Ku Klux Klan. He said that the “young people” in the KKK today, “are just like the students when I was there”. At a KKK website, we find this happy bit of inclusion:

“For the race, all. Outside the race, nothing”

Because the indiscretion was almost thirty years ago, the media ignored the obvious sleaze-factor and moved on to what was important with the California voters, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s sexual indescretions of thirty years ago.

Well, some of that was true. Bustamante was involved in an overtly racist organization in college and he did defend his involvement, thereby defending the organization itself yesterday and the liberal media has given him a pass on it. Of course, the organization isn’t the KKK, which demands white rights above all else, the organization is MecHA, whose motto is the Spanish version of the above, “Por La Raza todo. Fuera de La Raza nada.” , which demands Chicano rights above all others.

My gut reaction was to say, “Can you imagine what they would say if Bustamante was a white male? They’d go out of their mind”. Then I realized that two white male’s have said this, well, one didn’t say anything nearly as racist. We have Trent Lott, who in a tribute to a close friend said the world would be a better place if the friend had won the Presidency in 1948. That friend was Strom Thurmond and Thurmond was running on a “white’s first”-like ticket. Lott was caught in a firestorm and had to step down as Senate majority leader. The other white male is Robert Byrd, who is a former KKK member and as late as 2000 used the term “white nigger” on Larry King with no apology. He is on his way to being the longest serving member in the Senate, well loved by the liberal media.

So, what’s wrong with my hypothesis of the white male? What I forgot was that Byrd and Bustamante have the get out of jail free card after their name, that being a (D). Cruz Bustamante, (D) and Robert Byrd, (D). Trent Lott has the blackball after his name, an (R). Trent Lott, (R). Ohhhh, that makes sense, now.

Democrats get away with all sorts of racist behavior, because the media and the willing executioners on Main Street America don’t care or don’t understand. Republicans, on the other hand, get a break on nothing.


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