Friday, August 29, 2003


Big Government. The way people look at this is what separates Liberals and Conservatives. Liberals like Big Government and Conservatives don’t. The funny thing is that we Conservatives are often accused of being inconsistent about Big Government, such as our support for things like defense, the dreaded PATRIOT act and the such. The difference is that we like a small government with limited responsibilities, but we do want that government to be strong. Liberals want a big and strong government to make all of those pesky decisions, except for abortion, of course.

Anyway, the liberal Mecca of St. Paul has another case of Big Government run amok. It seems two sisters, 7 and 4, were selling canned soda, juices and the like on a roadside stand. That was, until an inspector from the city’s Office of License Inspections and Environmental Protection arrived.

“'You can't sell pop unless you have a license.”

So let it be written, so let it be done.

Was the law followed? Of course it was. Was it applied fairly and without prejudice? Yes, it was. Is the world a better place now? I doubt it. But, at least it’s worse for everyone.

Thank you, Big Government.


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