Wednesday, July 28, 2004


You would think with the Democratic convention rolling this week, I’d be blogging like a madman.  To tell you the truth, every time I start to watch the convention, I just begin to get frustrated at the lies that come off of that podium.  And I’ve been busy with computers, too.

Anyway, I caught some of Jesse Jackson tonight.  He’s a hoot.  My friend Bill said years ago that he was watching Jackson and figured out what makes him such a unique public speaker:

Jesse Jackson puts the emphasis on wrong syllables in words.

Sure enough, he was doing that tonight.  Now, I watched only about the last three minutes of his speech and I noticed a couple of Jesse Jackson-isms.

First, he had a strange way of referring to the Democratic ticket – “John Kerry Edwards”.  I think, with the stressing of the wrong syllable and mumbling Edwards first name, he was saying (or at least attempting) “John Kerry/John Edwards”, but it sure didn’t come out that way.  It came out like a bad liberal marriage hyphenated last name “John Kerry-Edwards”  I know I’m going to use it.

Second, it seems Jesse didn’t get the memo not to mention Iraq and the troops.  Jesse was rousing the DNC faithful when he said this November it was time to bring the troops home.  There was scattered applause, but you could tell that he had broken the “don’t tell them the Democrats will cut and run” rule.  He’s gonna get yelled at for that.

Lastly, and most importantly, Jesse Jackson convinced me that I should vote John Kerry-Edwards this November.  I know, I know, it’s shocking, yet he said something that proved to me that John Kerry-Edwards is the most powerful presidential candidate ever. 

John Kerry-Edwards can raise the dead.

It’s true.  Jesse Jackson said this November “Ray Charles will play again”.

Now that’s strength, baby.  I’m scared NOT to vote for him.


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