Thursday, October 02, 2003


Today I’ve been watching the Rush Limbaugh “pill-popping” scandal unfold. I haven’t picked up too many details, so I’m not sure what to make of the thing. My gut reaction was this was a bunch of hooey, but the maid or whatever she was seemed to have some evidence. So, I thought I’d wait it out.

Than came something truly saddening, first of many I’m sure.

This is Rush’s statement:

"I am unaware of any investigation by any authorities involving me. No governmental representative has contacted me directly or indirectly. If my assistance is required in the future, I will, of course, cooperate fully."

This is right out of the Bill Clinton’s playbook. “I am sure there will be no proof found of any wrongdoing”, denying an affair in the PRESENT tense and all of that kind of stuff. If the stories are untrue – just say so. If they are true, admit it. But Rush is denying something that wasn’t asked and avoided the real question – just like Bill Clinton.

My guess is there is truth to this story. The thousands and thousands number is probably exaggerated, but getting Rush painkillers is going to be proven true. Rush didn’t admit any wrongdoing because he’s in consultation with his lawyers on what he can or cannot say. And that’s too bad because that means he is addicted, which no one should deserves and he also had to pull a Clinton, which is hard to swallow (no pill pun intended). Come to think of it, he DIDN’T have to pull a Clinton, he could have just said nothing. Why Rush degraded himself like this, I don’t know.

More preaching as the story unfolds.

Update – I just heard from Fox that there are other drug suppliers. This is REALLY, REALLY bad. I have to force myself to feel empathetic to Rush, but my anger at his stupidity is getting the best of me.

If all of this is proven true, we conservatives need to remember one thing – even if the messenger is soiled, that doesn’t mean the message is wrong.

And it isn’t.


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