Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Today is the anniversary of D-Day. June 6, 1944. On that day, Allied forces landed on the beaches of Normandy, France to begin the invasion of Europe proper (we had landed in Italy the year before) and so the fall of Nazi Germany had begun. For the two American beaches (Iowa and Omaha), it was a nightmare. The “softening up” of the Atlantic wall from the air, the sea and under water had been iffy at best, usually it had gone badly. The three British and Canadian beaches (Juno, Gold and Sword) were not nearly as bad, but running through the ocean at people with guns pissed at you is never easy.

We should all take a moment to remember.

We should also take a moment to think what the ilk we call Democrat Presidential candidates would say about this invasion. Firstly, why are we invading a “friendly” country – France? We didn’t break from the beachhead for over 30 days – does anybody hear the word “quagmire”? And what about the allies having such an easier time of it? “Mismanagement at the highest levels”, perhaps? ”Why do we want to get into the middle of a European civil war?” “Maybe if we just tried to understand that Germany was oppressed by us after the First World War and tried to reason with them?” “For the love of God, where was the diplomacy?” “Roosevelt lied, people died!” “We need to focus on Japan!”

Sometimes, you need to love press censorship.


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